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Dance & Tumbling
Tuition & Fees

Registration: $40 / $65 Family Rate

(School year sessions only, no registration fee for Summer Sessions)




1 class / week $75

2 classes / week $110

3 classes / week $145

4 classes / week $180

5 classes / week $215

6 classes / week $250

7+ classes / week $285 (unlimited rate)

1 Rockin’ Tots class / week $60 (counts as 2nd class in multi-class discount)


Adult Zumba & Yoga

$8 Drop-In or $30/mo



Dance Lessons $30 / half hour lesson (paid directly to instructor)



$85 Rockin’ Tots, Ballet Stars, Combo classes

$100 all other dance classes

Costume Fees begin Sept. 15

*Students with multiple costumes: One costume will be charged / month & end when costumes have been paid in full.



Dance: $125 / $200 Family Rate

(INCLUDES: One recital shirt per dancer, 4 general admission tickets)

​*Students are automatically entered as a part of recital. If you do not intend to take part, please let us know upon registration.

*All classes & music lessons are recital-bound, except for any Tumbling, Adult Fitness (Zumba & Yoga), and Parent & Me.



  • Sibling discount: 10% sibling discount for 2nd student in family

  • Families of 3+ students: reach out to us for a family discount!

  • Multi-class discount: see monthly tuition for break down

  • Pay full year tuition: 5% discount overall.



LATE FEES: All unpaid fees will incur a $15 late fee charge 10 days after the payment was due.


WITHDRAWALS: 30-day written notice required


*Costume, registration, and recital fees are non-refundable.

Music Lesson 
Tuition & Fees

Private MUSIC Lessons — 1/2 hour per week

$120 per month

Music Recital Fee: Due March 15th

$35 1st student/$25 sibling - FREE ADMISSION to recital

*Asbury Arts does not provide instruments that can be taken home for practice. If you need help choosing an instrument to purchase for at home use, please discuss options with your instructor.

Do you want to share a music lesson with someone? Inquire within!


Dance Studio, Music Lessons, Tumbling

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